2024 Coeur d’Alene Art Auction / Lot 50255 / 373  •  View Catalog  •   • 

Kyle Polzin (b. 1974)
Awaiting Her Beloved (2013)
oil on canvas
30 × 39 inches
42 × 51 × 2.5 inches (framed)
signed lower right

Label, Fredericksburg Art Auction, Fredericksburg, Texas

Kyle Polzin was born in South Texas and grew up surrounded by cowboy and ranch culture, developing his artist skills at a young age under the guidance of his father. Throughout his upbringing, Kyle grew to appreciate the beauty and heritage of his Texas surroundings which is reflected in his art. He worked closely with his grandfathers who were both skilled carpenters, and through their teachings, learned the value of craftsmanship and the reward of creating with your hands.

According to the artist, “Both of my grandfathers were carpenters, and my dad’s dad was somewhat of an artist. My father was also an artist. My grandfather did stained glass – he was very skilled with his hands. A lot of people of that generation were skilled. If you needed something, you couldn’t run out and get it; you either crafted it or restored it or whatever you had to do. They were resourceful people. I think that rubbed off on me, too. To this day I enjoy working with my hands, building and crafting things. I always had a knack for drawing and had the patience to sit and do it.”

Private collection, Arizona
Fredericksburg Art Auction, Fredericksburg, Texas, 2015
Private collection, Plano, Texas
Lone Star Art Auction, Dallas, Texas, 2023
Private collection, Texas


Kyle Polzin

b. 1974

Awaiting Her Beloved (2013)
oil on canvas
30 × 39 inches
42 × 51 × 2.5 inches (framed)
signed lower right
Sold at Auction: $54,450
Condition ReportSurface is in excellent condition. No signs of restoration.

Important Notice: Statements of condition are provided as a service to potential bidders; such statements are educated opinions and should not be regarded as facts. The Coeur d’Alene Art Auction has no responsibility for any errors or omissions.